Embalming is a medical process which disinfects and preserves a dead human body making it safe for those coming into contact with it. Embalming presents the deceased in the best way possible and allows people to view and say goodbye to a person without the unpleasant conditions that arise from decomposition.
We believe embalming is the best method of keeping the deceased in a presentable state from the time of death till burial or cremation. It’s standard practice for the vast majority of the funerals we hold and the cultural practice in New Zealand. However if the person is not to be viewed, you may wish to not have them embalmed. We’ll give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.
At Dil’s, our embalming is carried out to the highest level of skill and professionalism. We keep up to date with advances in the art of embalming and ensure that our practice is current with the standards set by the New Zealand Embalmers Association (NZEA). At all times we ensure that your loved one is treated with respect and dignity.
Clothes, Dressing and Viewing
Before any viewing is possible, you’ll need to select a casket and provide us with clothing you’d like your loved one to wear. If you’d like to help dress them or add any personal touches we’ll make a time with you after we have completed our preparations. It is our experience that viewing is very helpful in coming to terms with your loss. This can take place at our premises or in your own home.